Who Needs a Heavy Metal Detox? Probably Everyone. Here’s How Chelation Therapy Transforms Health

Who Needs a Heavy Metal Detox? Probably Everyone. Here’s How Chelation Therapy Transforms Health

Key Findings:

  1. Heavy Metals and Neurodegenerative Diseases: Mercury and other toxic heavy metals have been linked to neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's. These metals can accumulate in the brain and nervous system, contributing to disease progression.
  2. Impact of Mercury Toxicity on the Brain: Mercury has a particular affinity for the brain, where it can disrupt neurological function. This disruption can manifest in symptoms ranging from cognitive decline and memory issues to severe neurological disorders.
  3. Fish Consumption as a Major Source of Mercury Exposure: Regular consumption of fish, particularly from contaminated waters, is one of the most common sources of mercury exposure. High levels of mercury can accumulate over time, leading to toxicity.
  4. Chelation Therapy for Heavy Metal Detox: Chelation therapy, especially using DMPS, has proven effective in removing mercury and other toxic heavy metals from the body, providing relief for patients suffering from heavy metal-related illnesses.
  5. Long-Term Chelation Reduces Symptoms: In cases of chronic heavy metal exposure, sustained chelation therapy has been shown to alleviate symptoms and reverse conditions such as MS, by gradually eliminating toxic metals from the body.

Heavy metal toxicity is an often-overlooked factor in chronic illnesses, particularly when it comes to neurological disorders. Over the years, I’ve come to see firsthand how removing heavy metals, especially mercury, can drastically improve a patient's health. Chelation therapy, particularly DMPS (Dimercapto-propane sulfonate) IVs, plays a critical role in addressing this issue. Based on my experience both personally and with my patients, heavy metal detoxification can transform lives, especially for those dealing with neurodegenerative diseases.

My Personal Experience with Mercury Toxicity

Chelation therapy became part of my own health journey in the early 2000s. After moving to the Bay Area in 1998, I discovered a local sushi spot that I frequented far more than I probably should have. Unbeknownst to me, this led to elevated mercury levels due to the fish I was consuming. I’ve never had a cavity, so mercury from dental amalgams wasn’t an issue for me—my main source of exposure came from seafood.

 Around 2002, I was diagnosed with high mercury levels, and that’s when I began chelation. It’s something I’ve continued intermittently over the years. I regularly retest myself, and if my levels go back up, I resume chelation therapy. Most recently, after another period of frequent fish consumption, my mercury levels spiked again. So, once more, I’m using DMPS chelation therapy to detoxify my body.

What is DMPS Chelation Therapy?

DMPS is a powerful chelating agent that binds to heavy metals, allowing the body to excrete them. It has a high binding affinity for mercury, arsenic, and antimony, though it binds less strongly to lead. In my case, I use DMPS to specifically target mercury, which is a known neurotoxin and can accumulate in the brain and other tissues.

The process involves receiving a DMPS IV every couple of weeks, followed by a provoked urine excretion test every three months. After an IV session, I collect my urine for six hours, and we send the sample to Doctor’s Data laboratory. They can then measure how much mercury is being excreted. This test helps us determine how much mercury is being pulled out and whether continued chelation is necessary. When my mercury levels drop, I pause the therapy, but I always monitor it to ensure I stay in a healthy range.

The Impact of Mercury on Neurodegenerative Diseases

Heavy metal toxicity can have profound effects on neurological health. One of the most eye-opening experiences early in my career involved a patient with multiple sclerosis (MS). She had been pursuing her PhD in Alaska, an area known for its high levels of mercury due to gold mining practices. For years, she had been eating fish from mercury-contaminated streams, and when I tested her, her mercury levels were off the charts. 

Her first provoked urine excretion test showed mercury levels as high as 150—a healthy adult’s levels should be under 10. This was a staggering finding, and it became clear that mercury toxicity was playing a major role in her health issues.

What was remarkable, though, was that after the very first chelation treatment, her MS symptoms vanished and never returned. This was my first encounter with the life-changing impact that removing heavy metals can have on the body. Over the next year and a half, we continued chelating her, and though her mercury levels remained elevated for a long time, the progress was undeniable. The improvement in her MS symptoms was a clear sign that we were on the right path.

This experience became a pivotal moment for me as a physician. It demonstrated the profound connection between heavy metal toxicity and neurological health, and it solidified my commitment to testing and treating heavy metal elevation, particularly in patients with neurodegenerative diseases.

Chelation Therapy in My Practice

Since that early experience, I’ve made it a priority to test for heavy metal toxicity in nearly all of my patients, especially those with neurological conditions. The presence of heavy metals like mercury, lead, and arsenic can have severe implications for brain health and overall wellness. For many patients, chelation therapy is a key component of their treatment plan.

What many people don’t realize is how ubiquitous mercury exposure can be, even for those who don’t have obvious risk factors. While dental amalgams and contaminated seafood are common sources, mercury can also accumulate from environmental factors such as pollution and industrial waste. For those dealing with unexplained neurological symptoms or chronic illnesses, testing for heavy metals can often provide critical insights. 

The Process of Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy is a methodical process. For each patient, I start with a provoked urine excretion test to assess their levels of heavy metals. Based on the results, we begin a tailored chelation program. This often involves IV treatments with DMPS or other chelating agents, depending on the specific metals involved.

The key to success with chelation therapy is consistency and patience. In some cases, it can take months—or even years—of regular treatment before we see substantial reductions in heavy metal levels. But the benefits to health and neurological function are well worth the effort. Patients often report improved cognitive function, reduced fatigue, and a greater sense of overall well-being.

In cases of severe heavy metal toxicity, it’s important to recognize that the body stores metals in various tissues, including the brain, organs, and fat. Chelation pulls these metals out, but the process can take time, as the body continues to release stored metals into circulation. This is why ongoing treatment is often necessary, even when initial progress seems slow.

Why Testing is Essential

Testing for heavy metals is essential not only for diagnosis but also for tracking progress. The provoked urine excretion test is both diagnostic and therapeutic—it allows us to see how much metal is being removed from the body, and it helps determine when we can safely stop chelation.

As I mentioned earlier, I regularly test myself to monitor my mercury levels. Every few months, after a series of DMPS IV treatments, I’ll collect a urine sample and send it off for testing. This gives me a clear picture of how much mercury is being excreted and whether I need to continue chelating.

For patients, this approach provides peace of mind. They can see the tangible results of their treatment, and we can adjust the protocol as needed based on their progress.

The Broader Importance of Detoxification

Detoxifying the body from heavy metals is one of the most important steps we can take to support overall health and prevent long-term damage, especially when it comes to neurological and cognitive function. The presence of metals like mercury, arsenic, and lead can have a range of detrimental effects on the brain, contributing to conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other neurodegenerative diseases.

In my practice, detoxification protocols like chelation therapy are often part of a broader, integrative approach to health. By addressing the root causes of illness—whether it’s heavy metal toxicity, inflammation, or immune dysfunction—we can create a pathway for true healing.

Taking Action 

Chelation therapy is a powerful tool in the fight against heavy metal toxicity, especially for those dealing with chronic and neurodegenerative conditions. As I’ve seen time and time again, removing these harmful substances from the body can lead to profound health transformations. Whether it’s in my own journey with mercury detoxification or in the remarkable recovery of my patients, I continue to be amazed by the impact of chelation on both body and mind.

If you suspect that heavy metal toxicity may be affecting your health, I encourage you to seek testing and explore chelation therapy as a potential solution. Detoxifying your body from these metals can be a life-changing step toward better health.

Heavy Metal Detox Checklist:

  1. Limit Fish Consumption: Be mindful of the sources of fish in your diet, particularly avoiding species known to be high in mercury. Consider rotating fish choices or minimizing intake to avoid mercury accumulation.
  2. Consider Testing for Heavy Metals: If you have symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases or suspect heavy metal exposure (from fish or other sources), ask your healthcare provider about provoked urine excretion testing to assess your body’s toxic load.
  3. Explore Chelation Therapy: If your mercury levels are high, discuss with your physician whether chelation therapy, particularly with DMPS, is appropriate for your situation. Regular treatment can effectively reduce toxic metal levels in the body.
  4. Monitor Progress: For those undergoing chelation therapy, schedule follow-up tests every few months to track how much mercury and other metals are being removed from your body. This helps ensure the treatment is effective and informs adjustments if needed.
  5. Consult with a Specialist: If you’re dealing with a neurodegenerative condition, or other complex health issues potentially linked to heavy metal toxicity, seek out a specialist in integrative or functional medicine who can provide comprehensive support through detoxification protocols.

 Chelation Action Steps:

  1. IV Chelation Therapy: Receive DMPS IV chelation every two weeks to help bind and remove toxic heavy metals from the body.
  2. Oral Chelation Protocol: Follow a doctor-prescribed oral chelation regimen. This typically involves taking chelating agents for 3 days, followed by an 11-day break. Repeat this 2-week cycle for 6 cycles, then perform a provoked urine excretion test to evaluate progress.
  3. Natural Chelators for Mild Mercury Elevation:
    • Sealantro (Cilantro) Tincture: Take one dropper 3 times per week (recommended brand: NutraMedix).
    • Chlorella Tabs: Take 6 tablets 3 times per week (recommended brand: CLEAN Chlorella).
  4. Supplement with Minerals: On non-chelation days, replenish essential minerals to support overall health. Consider MANNA Vitality or a Multimineral formula 2 tablets, twice a day (recommended brand: PERQUE Life Guard).
  5. HOCATT Therapy: Use HOCATT set to detox frequencies to promote the elimination of heavy metals through the kidneys, lymphatic system, and liver. This opens pathways for more efficient detoxification.
  6. Phospholipid IV Therapy: Incorporate IV phospholipids followed by glutathione and methylating agents like folinic acid and methylcobalamin. This helps detoxify heavy metals, which accumulate in the fatty membranes of cells and neurons, improving brain and cellular health.

If you are interested in working with our doctors to evaluate your heavy metal levels, please contact our Patient Care Concierge. You may call 415-729-0449 X 123 or email Concierge@jyzen.com to begin your journey to better health today.

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